Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thank You for Supporting the Book Sale

Thank you for supporting the fall book sale. Saturday ended with a bang. So many people came in for the last couple hours that we ran out of paper bags for the bag sale. Note to Self: bring my own bag next year. No, make that two. At $2/bag it's easy to fill more than one bag. Plus, getting a dozen hardback novels at 17-cents each is a real deal.

Some people filled up on classics, old favorites, and well-loved authors. Others opted for adventure, filling a bag with books by authors they've never read before.

The most overheard comment Saturday afternoon: "so many books; so little time."

If, for some sad reason, you discover that you didn't stock up on enough books, don't despair: the library will be open all winter! And remember - our next book sale is in May.